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Updated: Jan 14, 2023

António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations once said: “Wherever we see racism, we must condemn it without reservation, without hesitation, without qualification.” Every single day, each one of us can stand against racial prejudice and bigoted behavior. Let us build a world free of racism and discrimination in which all of us can claim our rights. Racism is one of the biggest problems we are facing in our communities that must be stopped and condemned.

Every human being has an intrinsic inviolable dignity from conception till natural death. The intrinsic dignity of the person is the foundation of every human right. Human rights are rights that we have simply because we are human beings with dignity; no state grants them. Regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status, we all have these universal rights. They extend from the most basic – the right to live – through the rights to food, education, job, health, and liberty, which make life worthwhile.

What is racism?

It is when prejudice and hostility are aimed toward someone of a different race because one believes one’s own race is superior. Racism is the notion that distinct groups of individuals have different behavioral qualities matching hereditary characteristics, and that these groups may be segregated based on racial supremacy. It can also refer to prejudice, discrimination, or hostility aimed at others due to their race or ethnicity. Racism nowadays is frequently founded on societal views of biological distinctions among people.


As we will see, all these groups are deprived of their minimal and basic rights. Humans must respect others’ way of living, including their race, gender, beliefs, skin color, culture, ethnicity, and language. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Human Rights promotes and defends human dignity and foresees a society in which everyone is free to practice all of their human rights equally, allowing them to fulfill their full potential and live in dignity.

vulnerable people in the society:

  1. African Descent: the transatlantic slave trade victims. They have been marginalized and impoverished where racism and racial prejudice have led them to be pushed away by society.

  2. Indigenous: the victims of racialized stereotypes and stigma. They were denied the right to direct their own development in accordance with their own beliefs, needs, and objectives, as well as political representation and access to social services.

  3. Roma, Sinti Travelers: confront widespread discrimination in a variety of aspects of life, including policing, legal systems, and education.

  4. Minorities: Many violations and discriminations against their appearance, religions, language and culture.

  5. Migrants and Refugees: living and working in the shadows, frightened to speak up, and denied their basic human rights and liberties.

  6. Living in Poverty: victims of racial discrimination and bullying.

  7. Women: discrimination and inequality.

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